Best Ways To Do ICO promotion In 2022


If you want to make your ICO successful, then you need to think of a good plan for promoting it. This is one of the most common questions we at Decentralized World Network (DWN) get from our clients looking for help with marketing their ICO or STO for coin promotion. This post will outline the different marketing strategies that can be used to promote your ICO.

There are various ways of doing an ICO promotion in 2022. You can buy advertisements on social media, do interviews with press, or use airdrops and bounty campaigns which have proven very effective over time.

1. Buy advertising space on social media

One of the easiest ways to get an ICO known is by buying ad space on social media. Before you can set up a successful campaign, you need to do some target market research. You need to know if your target clients use services like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Sometimes these platforms are not that effective because ICOs are used by crypto enthusiasts and many of them do not use or want such services.

So, if you want to buy ad space on social media, first think about your target clients. Are they using social media or is it useless?

2. Get featured in the news

Another good way of getting your ICO known is by getting featured in press articles online and offline. You can do interviews with the press or get featured on other related news articles. You can contact media outlets and ask them to feature your ICO on their publications. You also need to provide press members with a press release. This will help them find you and write about your ICO since they love writing about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

3. Use bounty campaigns

The third method is by using bounty campaigns as a way of getting your ICO known. These campaigns are very common in the crypto community, especially during ICOs where there is a fixed supply of tokens. You can get a lot of people to help promote your ICO for a bounty of tokens. This is a good way of getting your ICO known but it is important that you carefully select the members of your bounty program. Not all participants will be helping you and some might want to sabotage your activities. Guest posting sites are here.

4. Make an Airdrop

Airdrops are another good way of getting your ICO known by new potential clients and investors. Airdrops are free giveaways usually in the form of tokens or coins to users who have already invested in an ICO or already have cryptocurrencies on exchanges like Binance, KuCoin, and Coinbase Pro amongst others.

5. Do an AMA (Ask Me Anything)

Another method is to do a live webinar or AMA where you answer questions from potential clients and investors. This is a pretty effective way of sharing your project with the public and getting your ICO known. But you need to make sure that all of the questions are proper ones and not just talking points that might be asked by anyone. You also need to properly vet your participants as well so they pose no threat or are not looking for information that could help their competitors.

6. Use videos and other marketing content

You can also use videos and create marketing content to promote your ICO. This can be in the form of videos, pictures or even memes among other types of content. This is one of the best ways that you can get your ICO known because it is like using a multi-channel marketing campaign where you use different channels and tactics to reach out to potential clients for seo service.

7. Run a Bounty Program

As we have mentioned earlier, bounty programs work very well even when you launch an STO instead of an ICO. You need to select bounty hunters who are familiar with your platform and use it as well in order for them to help promote your STORY effectively. Bounty hunters will help spread the news about your project and can also give you feedback about how they feel about it.

8. Give out free tokens as a bonus

Another method of doing an ICO promotion in 2022 is to give out free tokens to your customers. This can be done when they buy your tokens or when they use them. This will make them feel like they are getting something valuable and then they would want to help you get more customers interested in your project.

9. Create a contest

Another common and effective way of doing an ICO promotion in 2022 is by creating a contest. A contest involves offering prices for different categories for people who have been following your ICO or have been using it for a certain amount of time. It is important that you put up rules for the competition, especially if it has prizes attached to it. For instance, if you sell your tokens for a fixed price or at a certain rate then the prizes will depend on the value of the tokens.

10. Use affiliates

Affiliates are very effective in getting your Blockchain, ICO and STO known to new potential clients because they will help spread their message to thousands of people. They also have very good marketing strategies that can be used to promote in-kind programs and even offline events such as conferences and expos that have been shown to be successful in getting people interested in an ICO project or an STO. You can use these affiliates for affiliate marketing as well as for search engine marketing online and offline which will help you get more traffic and get your ICO known better.


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